The 42 Method
Experience the best in IT education. Our training emphasizes hands-on projects, group work and peer-to-peer learning, while offering innovative methods that break traditional teaching norms.
The model
A disruptive education model
The 42 Nice model overturns the status quo of the education system, which has become obsolete – due to its passive and theoretical teaching structure – but also expensive and unsuited to the business world. Not only is our training of the highest quality, it’s also totally free and open to everyone. 42 Nice represents a real academic mutation: the usual vertical teaching methods – where a single teacher passes on his knowledge to a class of students – are completely abandoned in favor of concrete, interesting and collaborative projects. Students thus acquire greater autonomy and rigor, are more involved, develop a better capacity for learning and can express their creative energy to find original solutions to new problems.

The Method
Learning to learn
At 42 Nice, you’ll learn what traditional schools don’t necessarily teach you. The 42 pedagogy proposes a different way of learning: not in a theoretical way, not by memorizing lectures, but by working on practical cases. Our aim is to encourage students to think for themselves, and to seek concrete solutions to the problems proposed (just as they would in the workplace). You’ll discover this pedagogy as soon as you enter the piscine.
Of course, you won’t be expected to know how to do everything from day one. What’s more, mistakes and failures are not penalized: here, you have the right to make a mistake, because understanding your error will enable you to try again and succeed… just like in a video game.
Learning together
How can you progress in your curriculum? One of the main key factors is knowing how to work in a team and learn with others. If you find yourself at a dead end, if you don’t understand a concept or an exercise, your first reflex is to ask for advice from those around you. That’s what peer-learning is all about: talking to someone who understands the concept and will explain it to you; looking for an answer together; comparing your ideas and choices with those of others. These moments allow everyone to consolidate their learning and knowledge; the aim being to bring out good practices, share them with others and help the groups progress. Collective intelligence is a strong foundation of our teaching approach.

Learning while having fun

At 42 Nice, learning is fun. Each person’s progress is personalized. It’s based on a system of experience points and levels, just like in a video game: it’s gamification. There are several ways to reach level 21, the highest level, and even exceed it. The work atmosphere, fostered by other members of the community, also provides group stimulation. Finally, for a break, it’s always possible to take part in one of the many events organized at 42 throughout the year.
- Coalitions : Are you familiar with the concept of Hogwarts Houses in the Harry Potter universe? Well, at 42 Nice, we’ve introduced a similar system of coalitions to liven up the community. Inspired by the science-fiction novel “Dune” (by Frank Herbert), students are assigned to one of 3 coalitions: Corino, Atreide and Harkonnen. As at Hogwarts, taking part in related events and progressing in one’s own curriculum earns points for one’s coalition. At the end of the year, the coalition with the most points wins an honorary trophy.